Thursday, January 14, 2010

Left Handed Putters What Common Characteristics Do See In Left Handed People?

What common characteristics do see in left handed people? - left handed putters

I am left-handed, and almost always find something in common with a left-handed person I knew ...
Have you noticed a common feature among left-handed?
(I'm sure that the statistics say that every nine people who left in North America)
I know that the left side of the brain on the left and right brain hemisphere is dominant for people with the right-hand dominant ...
Is that the most creative left-handers, and to be deeper?


Terri R said...

I am left handed and I know only 2 others that are. We are all perfectionists and obsessive-compulsive disorder common name a few. They say that left-handers are more intelligent. (the "they")

I almost anything with my right hand, except for writing and eating. I am not and never have homosexual tendencies. I am not double or triple. (I'm sure my parents were very grateful for that!) Lol

Athena said...

I think they all tend to write with his left hand.

: D

ksenia said...

I believe that many left that I know are twins or triplets

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